League of Legends Japan - LoL 日本- Wiki

League of Legends(リーグ・オブ・レジェンズ、リーグ・オブ・レジェンド)は、Riot Gamesが開発したPC用のチームストラテジーゲーム、Defense of the Ancients型、MOBA型のゲームである。略称は"LoL"

多くのゲームレビューサイトなどで高評価を得ており、2012年、世界で最もプレイヤー数の多いPCゲームとされている。 米国ではプロスポーツ選手用のビザが認定されるなど、プロ・ゲーマーが競い合うエレクトロニック・スポーツの種目としても注目されている。


マルチプレイヤーオンラインバトルアリーナ(MOBA)と呼ばれるリアルタイムストラテジーゲーム(RTS)の一種で、基本的なルールは 3 VS 3 もしくは 5 VS 5 のチームに分かれ、お互いのネクサスと呼ばれる目標建造物を破壊することが目的となる。





The beginning of League of Legends' development was sparked at the close of 2005 with the idea of a standalone spiritual successor to the popular Warcraft III mod, Defense of the Ancients. League of Legends was born "when a couple of very active DotA community members believed that the gameplay was so much fun and so innovative that it represented the spawning of a new genre and deserved to be its own professional game with significantly enhanced features and around-game services."

Riot Games was co-founded by Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill. Together, they partnered with some of the key creative minds behind the creation of DotA: Allstars, Steve "Guinsoo" Feak and Steve "Pendragon" Mescon, in League of Legends' core development. Riot Games officially opened its office in September 2006. The company currently has about one thousand employees working on League of Legends, "including their robust technology platform to service and operate the game as well as a team dedicated to community relations."

According to Marc Merrill, when creating the various champions in the game, instead of leaving the champion creation to just a few people, they decided to open up the champion creation process to everyone in the company based upon a template in which they could vote on which champions made it into the game.



Riot Games has signed deals regarding the distribution of League of Legends in Asia, Europe, and North America. The game is expected to be released in the rest of the world also, including Australia.

In Asia, Tencent Inc.—China's largest Internet value-added services company, best known for its QQ Instant Messaging client—will be in charge of the distribution to Tencent’s growing 300 million Internet user base through its leading QQ Game portal. The deal is one of only a handful of partnerships to bring a U.S.-developed online game directly to China.

For distribution in Europe, Riot Games signed an international licensing partnership with GOA, the videogames department of Orange’s Content Division and Europe’s largest gaming portal after some issues with the European version of the game, Riot later decided to break the contract with GOA and self-publish the game instead.

In North America, Riot Games self-publishes and operates the game and all of its customer service aspects.
